1. Ice Necklace Quest
2. Lost Child Quest
3. Rachel Sanctuary Quest
4. Bruspetti Quest
Level Requirements: None
Item Requirements:
Hammer[2] x 1 ( can be bought in Rachel’s weapon shop also in Alberta )
Rough Wind x 5
Scroll x 1 ( can be bought in the Sage Academy in Juno )
1. In Rachel (157, 183 rachel), you'll find the Sincere Follower, Ustialla. Talk to her and agree to help her. She will give you the Ashy Necklace
2. On floor 2 of the dungeon you will find Maheo frozen in ice (121,104). He will tell you his embarasing story, and ask that you get his master to help free him.
3. Go back to the city of Rachel, and near the top of the lake in the bottom right you will find Hamion (264, 98). He will ask that you bring him 5 Rough Winds, 1 Hammer, and 1 Blank Scroll. When you bring him these items, he will give you the wind hammer.
4. Return to Maheo and use the hammer to smash the ice. He will reward you by recovering Ustialla's Necklace. You will also recieve 4 Frozen Powder.
5. Return to Ustialla for your reward.
6. (Optional) Using the 4 Frozen Powder, you can put out the 4 sacred fires that surround the seal at the center of the map. Once put out, the boss monster Ktullanux will appear.
- ice_dun03 (126 126)
- ice_dun03 (172 126)
- ice_dun03 (172 172)
- ice_dun03 (172 126)
7. Once you have completed steps 1-5 (Not necessary to fight Ktullanux) you can sell Glacial Hearts to Mohadin in Rachel (rachel 113, 97) for 375 Zeny apiece.
Reward: 700,000 Base Experience, summon Ice Salamander Ktullanux (MVP).
From ro.doddlercon
and chekloo of ro-guardians
Level Requirements: Base Level 60 or above.
Item Requirements: none
1. Talk to Vincent (ra_in01 384,245) on the second floor of the mansion in Rachel (rachel 100,240).
2. Go outside, and ask Logan (rachel 114, 232) about Phoebe; he directs you to Mr. Manson inside the house.
3. Go back inside, and talk to Mr. Manson (ra_in01 372, 200). He explains what he thinks happened, and sends you to talk to Jenny.
4. Exit the house again, and talk to Jenny (rachel 48, 236). Jenny gives more information and suggests checking the market.
5. Talk to the Idle Merchant (rachel 138, 73), who tells you he hasn't seen anyone and offers a rather disgusting "mock vegetable!"
For step 5 and 6
6. Talk to the other Idle Merchant (rachel 120, 47), who tells you someone sent a message for you to come to the Ice Cave.
7. Head to the Ice Cave, and talk to the Suspicious Man (ra_fild01 245, 325). He attempts to kill you (You lose a substantial amount of HP), but fails. You both then realize Vincent set you up, and you go back to talk to him.
8. Talk to Vincent, and he explains about his situation, and that Jenny is Phobe's mother, but he can't marry her since there's an inherent class difference in the city. You offer to find his son and the jewel that was stolen.
9. Talk to the Kid at (rachel 273, 32) and you find out he's Phobe and took the jewel himself. You can't get him to come home, but you get the jewel.
10. Take the jewel back to Vincent, and he's very thankful and asks you to tell Jenny about Phobe.
11. Talk to Jenny, and she's happy to hear you found him, and is okay with you knowing about their secret.
12. Go back and talk to Vincent, who rewards you with an Old Purple Box, and gives you a letter of recommendation to take to Sir Zhed, the high priest at the temple.
13. Go into the temple, and find High Priest Zhed, and give him your letter. You explain the situation, and he gives you some Base Experience. (14% on 86 non trans.) NOTE: If you have not yet unlocked the temple's security lockdown, you will not be able to speak with Zhed because the temple will be empty and all the lights will be off. In order to remedy this problem, you will need to complete the Rachel Sanctuary Quest steps 1 through 5 in order to enter the temple and find Zhed. Zhed is located on the eastern side of the first floor.
Reward: Old Violet Box, 900,000 base Experience
From ro.doddlercon
and chekloo of ro-guardians
Item Requirements: 1 Candy(not really
Quest Requirements: Completed Lost Child Quest
You cannot enter Rachel Sanctuary normally or begin the quest. Initially, you can go to the temple and talk to Nemma. Nemma will ask for donations to the sanctuary of 50k. Each time you donate, you're given a voucher which you can redeem for a random item. There must be 10,000 donations made before the sanctuary is opened! This is per server, not per person. This means that 500,000,000 zeny must be donated to the sanctuary for the server before it will open and be able to continue. Once the donations have been met, you'll be able to enter the sanctuary.
1. Talk to Nemma. She'll mention how the automatic security has her locked out.
2. Talk to the Kid down by the pool (rachel 243, 36). Talk to him until he mentions the fighting priests. [Big Hint: Say you love candy.] You can have or don’t have Candy in your inventory. There will be chance he will tell you secret to enter the temple.
3. Go back up to the temple. Walk up to a window on the left side of Nemma (ra_temple 67, 209). You'll be able to sneak in.
4. You now need to investigate the locked down temple until you are able to push through the front gate.
Map of Rachel Temple
- Once you're inside the locked down temple, head north down the hallway. You will get a popup along the way about some strange noises.
- When you reach the end of the hallway, head east. You should get another popup about the noises.
- When you reach a room with a woman's statue in it, continue through the southern exit of that room (through a gate).
- Continue heading south until you hit a wall, then head east.
- As you walk east along the front of the building, you should get a popup that says "CRASH" in red text.
- Continue heading east, past the Atrium Hallway. Just past the atrium, you'll find a small room on your left with a staircase in it. Go up those stairs.
- Once upstairs, head north and then west until you find a room with tiled checker flooring. Head towards the back of that room. Go through the portal behind the statue in that room.
- Walk towards the gate, and a popup will tell you about the dark stains on the floor. Continue walking around over the bloodstains, investigating each time, until it tells you that you should leave before you become the next victim.
- Head back to the staircase (southeast from the bloody room), and go back down the stairs.
- Head just a bit to the west until you're back in the Atrium Hallway (stop when you see a statue against the back wall.)
- Head south, towards the front of the building. After you get a popup, head further south until you reach the gate portal. When it gives you an option, try to "Push" it open.
- You will find yourself back out front of the temple, and you will now be able to re-enter the temple through the front gate. The lights will be back on, and the NPCs will be back. But don't go back inside yet.
6. Now you can go inside the real sanctuary (again, if you went in before).
7. Talk to Panno and she'll tell you about the security. (ra_temin 170 46). Select: Hey, did you open the gate? After that, talk to her again. She will tell you the truth.
8. Talk to Nemma and give her 20 Firecrackers (Buyable in Hugel).
9. Find Seeking Follower at center of Rachel (142 167). She will ask you to look for High Priest Zhed. (If she says: May Freya be with you, means you’ve already done the Lost Child Quest. You can go for High Priest Zhed.)
10. Talk to High Priest Zhed (ra_temin.gat 277, 159). He'll tell you to take 40 Glacial Hearts and candy to the Pope. NOTE: If Zhed simply says "May Freya be with you," then you have not completed the Lost Child Quest.
11. Visit the pope (ra_temin.gat 134, 134). Then go back to Zhed.
12. After he boots you from the room, go up to the left wall and eavesdrop on the conversation. A woman will then talk to you about Zhed and her relationship with him.
13. Go back and talk to Zhed. He'll want to rest. After you finish, walk out of the room and pick up the key on the ground (chat prompt). You'll then be able to enter the Sanctuary.
14. Enter the sanctuary by going back upstairs to the "bloody room" behind the chapel (ra_temin.gat 29, 312).
15. Go to the "second level" (really a "quest" level) of the dungeon, and walk forward until you get the prompt to look at the water. Walk around up onto the metal edge (que_san04.gat 119, 203), and the woman will hit you and you'll be sent back to Rachel.
16. Go talk to Zhed and you'll receive experience.
Rewards: 1,100,000 Base Experience, 600,000 Job Experience (Not confirmed with the experience gained) , Access to Rachel Sanctuary Dungeon
From ro.doddlercon
and chekloo of ro-guardians
Level Requirements: Unknown
Item Requirements: 1 Knife [3]
Quest Requirements: Completed Friendship Quest
1. Talk to Katinshuell (ra_in01 235,194) inside the building at (rachel 81, 36).
2. Talk to Mr. Shendar (ra_in01 250,19) inside the building at (rachel 217, 60).
3. Talk to Lachellen at (rachel 73, 244). She mentions how jealous she is of Bruspetti and her new boyfriend.
4. Talk to Katinshuell again, who says he broke up with his girlfriend.
5. Talk to Mr. Shendar once more, who talks about how he misses his daugher.
6. Travel to Lighthalzen, and enter the Hotel at (lighthalzen 158, 129) and go to the room upstairs at (lhz_in02 235,200) and walk around (208, 209), and you smell the scent of roses.
7. Go back to Rachel, and talk to Lachellen again. She isn't surprised, and says Bruspetti was travelling to Lighthalzen. She suggests you visit the place where she and her boyfriend often went.
8. Go to the lower right corner in Rachel, and walk along the lake until you get to (265, 47). A grandmother will warn you about slipping into the water.
9. Go back to Mr. Shendar, and he's amazed Bruspetti went to Lighthalzen. He then struggles with the decision whether or not to invade her privacy by reading her diary. Click on the "Book" close to Mr. Shendar (ra_in01 253, 24).
10. Talk to Katinshuell again, and when he asks what you want to ask him about, type "Bruspetti," then ask about "Lighthalzen," and finally "Freya's Spring."
11. Talk to Lachellen again, and when she asks if she can help with anything, type "Freya's Spring."
12. Head to the lake again, and talk to the Grandma (rachel 266, 35).
13. Go back to Mr. Shendar, and he starts beating you up, thinking you're Bruspetti's boyfriend. After realizing who you are and apologizing, he allows you to help and read Bruspetti's diary.
14. On the shelf near Mr. Shendar (ra_in01 253, 24) obtain Bruspetti's Diary.
15. Go back to Katinshuell, and confront him with the truth about his relationship with Bruspetti. Confront him in this order:
- Lighthalzen
- Recent Break Up
- Freya's Spring
17. Return to the lake, and talk to the Grandma, then walk over the spot that previously triggered the dialogue box to the north of her. After closing it the first time, talk to it again, and receive some Experience. (Got 850k exp as a 78 non-trans.)
Reward: Base Experience
From ro.doddlercon